.NET Quick Start

1. Get an API Key and Secret

If you haven’t already, sign up for a free trial.

2. Install the Enzoic Library in Your Project

Use Nuget to install the Enzoic package in your project:

Install-Package Enzoic

3. Try Out Our Example Code

We’ve made calling the API dead simple. This sample code snippet shows you examples of calling the four supported APIs:

// Create a new Enzoic instance - this is our primary interface for making API calls
Enzoic enzoic = new Enzoic("YOUR_API_KEY", "YOUR_API_SECRET");
// Check whether a password has been compromised
if (enzoic.CheckPassword("password-to-test")) {
    Console.WriteLine("Password is compromised");
else {
    Console.WriteLine("Password is not compromised");
// Check whether a specific set of credentials are compromised
if (enzoic.CheckCredentials("test@enzoic.com", "password-to-test")) {
    Console.WriteLine("Credentials are compromised");
else {
    Console.WriteLine("Credentials are not compromised");

// Use the optional parameters on the CheckCredentials call to tweak performance 
// by including the date/time of the last check and excluding BCrypt
if (enzoic.CheckCredentials("test@enzoic.com", "password-to-test",
        lastCheckTimestamp, new PasswordType[] { PasswordType.BCrypt })) {
    Console.WriteLine("Credentials are compromised");
else {
    Console.WriteLine("Credentials are not compromised");

// get all exposures for a given user
ExposuresResponse exposures = enzoic.GetExposuresForUser("test@enzoic.com");
Console.WriteLine(exposures.Count + " exposures found for test@enzoic.com");
// now get the full details for the first exposure returned in the exposures response
ExposureDetails details = enzoic.GetExposureDetails(exposures.Exposures[0]);
Console.WriteLine("First exposure for test@enzoic.com was " + details.Title);

// get all passwords for a given user-requires special approval, contact Enzoic sales
UserPasswords userPasswords = enzoic.GetUserPasswords("eicar_0@enzoic.com");
Console.WriteLine("First password for eicar_0@enzoic.com was " + 

4. Learn More

That should get you started. Check out the GitHub project page for more details. Make sure you also review the Using the Enzoic API page.

Last updated