Stale User Accounts

Enzoic for Active Directory v3.5

Sample Stale User Accounts Report

This report shows you a list of all the user accounts which have not been logged into in the last 6 months. Stale accounts can be a security risk since they could be used by an attacker or a former employee and may have old, insecure passwords. These inactive accounts also consume reclaimable database space in your Active Directory.

The Update button in the header allows you to refresh the report. Since this report can be time-consuming to generate for larger domains, it is only refreshed on demand. If the data is stale (more than 15 minutes out of date), you will see a red warning message next to this Update button reminding you that you need to regenerate the report to see current data.

Stale User Accounts Report Fields



The user’s username in AD.

First Name

The user’s first name in AD, if present.

Last Name

The user’s last name in AD, if present.


Whether the user account has some form of administrative permissions in AD

Last updated